Saturday, July 17, 2010

#5 - Forest Grove

Challenge 5: Complete a 365 day photo challenge
Picture 21 - Forest Grove
(Pic 21/365)

A few weeks ago we drove through a country road and passed an abandoned building that looked as if it came out of a Tim Burton movie. Tim Burton is famous for directing/producing whimsical like movies such as: Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Big Fish, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, and etc. These movies have a little bit of madness, fairy tale type likeness to it - but Tim Burton very much captures the romantic dark side of what every story portrays. Brilliant.

We decided to visit, Forest Grove today and planned to go inside. When we arrived, all the entrances were boarded up for safety's sake. The building looks like an old abandoned school from the 1870's. There's nothing inside but rotting wood, metal parts, and a visible rusty old stove seen through the collapsed floor to the basement. It looked like total devastation. I tried to find its history online but the results didn't show much of a history. But still, the building is romantically, beautifully, broken --- I appreciate what it offered me --- a wonderful experience and great photos.

Below is a picture of the old school house I found at someone's website. The photo is not copied, but linked.

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