
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Style-For-Style Saturday - Olivia Palermo

Socialite and ex-cast of the tv series, The City, Olivia Palermo has AH-MAY-ZING style. She was voted best dressed at the end of 2010 and I couldn't agree more. She was featured in a magazine with an amazing yellow top and royal blue crotch pants which was very well put together, so I googled her. Hands down, this girl is my exact style icon! She is not afraid to venture out with color, and likewise, still appear polished, youthful, and chic. From hair to makeup to choice of clothing. Stunning!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday's List - Thoughts Before Falling Asleep

Finally went on a date with my husband after a long hiatus due to the realities of owning a business. Nonetheless, there were these two coeds sitting over yonder from us. They were college aged, and oh so so young. It was apparent that it was a budding romance, the beginning of a new relationship evident through their body language, the glitter in the eyes, the smiles on their faces, and their repressed desire to turn up the heat of uninhibited flirtation. It was kind of cute but then got overly annoying after a while.

So now here I am, finished with that phase in my life, onto a happy marriage, on to an exciting career, and on to the pain that all home owners dread... the simultaneous breakdown of major appliances and other pain in the neck "things that need to be fixed". First it was the washing machine, then the stove/oven, and then came the dishwasher early this morning. !%$$^$%&%$#%!@##$%#$. Exactly!! I was on the phone all morning with our warranty company and finally got frustrated enough to cancel it all together. They were like greedy insurance companies that give reasons (loopholes) to avoid covering the expense of such unfortunate circumstance.

After all had been said and done, my GENIUS husband fixed the dishwasher. Now... on to the oven. Once it starts working again, I'm going to bake a million cup cakes! Hhhmmm... and I was looking forward to purchasing new appliances -but glad to have remained economical. Add all that to what I'll think about before bed tonight.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Style-For-Style Saturday - Kelly Ripa

Busy girl, Kelly Ripa is this week's fashionista. I couldn't find any plaid ankle pants for a good price, so I opted for a classic black trousers. Same situation with her tie-neck teal blouse that I absolutely adore.

Pretty soon Kelly will be hosting without Regis (so sad that he is retired), but I'm excited to see who she is going to work with next. She's such an awesome, genuine actress. She had me at One Life To Live, circa 1992.

Friday, January 21, 2011

#5 - Matryoshka Doll Card

Yesterday we received an cute card from our our friends, the Foerderers. It's a Matryoshka Doll card stitched by Autumn. It's so pretty, I can't stop staring at it. It truly made my day brighter. It's so unique.

When I was a kid, I had a penchant for collecting stationery items: pens, pencils, markers, erasers, scented letter sets, note cards, journals, and stickers. I used them to send letters and cards to friends all over the world: Slovenia, France, Germany, Russia, Netherlands, Brazil, Italy, and the Philippines. I don't know what happened to them all - they seem to have disappeared throughout the course of time. I just hope they're not gone forever.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday's List - Favourite Smells

Decided to take the afternoon off -- it feels great. I even went to McDonald's to break my "No Fast Food" streak (90+ days) and then watched a whole slew of Spin City episodes. That show is so witty, I love it. What's awesome is that I persuaded my husband to take the afternoon off with me. I was about to throw myself out the window when he said, "I think I will." Nonetheless, I love lazy afternoons leaving all the stress and care of the fast paced life behind. Sometimes that's all a person needs. Oh... and to sniff stuff. lol.

Monday, January 17, 2011

#5 - Office Still Life

Challenge 5: Complete a 365 day photo challenge
Picture 52 - Office Still Life
(Pic 52/365)

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was a significant event that changed American History. On that fateful day, August 28, 1963, activist Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech that made an impression to the hearts of many. It also made a major impact in government laws and regulations. On July 2, 1964, the Civil Rights Act was enacted by the government prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by the federal and state governments.

I am privileged to work in the business world today void* of discrimination based on pay, gender, and race because of numerous events from the 1960's, including Martin Luther King, Jr.'s non-violent philosophy on equality and change. 


* Realistically, there will always be pay, gender, and race discrimination in the work place - however it's difficult to detect and prove. Nonetheless, the circumstance has improved significantly since the 50's and the 60's so we should be grateful for that.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Style-For-Style Saturday - Olivia Wilde

Tammy Mars Women's Purple Cap-sleeve Surplice Dress $21.99 Merino Wool Cardigan $39.99 
Bumper Women's Foxy Sandals $32.00Big Buddha Tuxedo Clutch $51.99

Black Beauty's Channel Set Y Style Necklace $28.50
Wired Heart Ring $18.00

Leading Lady of the movie Tron: Legacy, Olivia Wilde, is on her way to becoming an A-list actress with her talent and dynamic, versatile beauty - a quality many actresses cant pull off. Olivia was featured in the cover of Lucky Magazine exactly one year ago (January 2010) and the above is a featured ensemble within its pages, however she sports a look that could still be worn today. I absolutely love everything abut it.

I miss fashion. Everything I've been doing for the past eight years seems to stem off of logic more so than creativity because logic is much more economical and most often intangible than material. My brain is also at mental capacity that it begs for the arts. I want to make something, build something, and manage a home improvement project! I want to whip out my sewing machine, my glue gun, and my art supplies. I want to buy an electronic drill, tools, and roam around depot stores (Lowes is my favorite). I miss coloring outside the box and blowing off a day (Sunday) to be spontaneous. There's just so much going on right now, but there's a time and place for everything. I can hardly wait. Did I mention that I'm preparing and studying hardcore for the CPA exam? So help me God...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

#5 - Catch Me If You Can

Challenge 5: Complete a 365 day photo challenge
Picture 51 - Catch Me If You Can
(Pic 51/365)

I love my kids. This was actually the first time Colette touched snow and loved it. It was such a joy to be out there (even through the bitter cold) to watch my darlings play and race each other in the snow.  

Monday, January 10, 2011

#5 - Candy In All of its Glory...

Challenge 5: Complete a 365 day photo challenge
Picture 50 - Candy In All of its Glory
(Pic 50/365)

Grandma Jody visited us from Miami last week. She only stayed three short days, but we made so many great memories (I miss her already). One of which was our visit to the candy store, Lagomarcino's. It's amazing how candy and chocolate can bring so much joy and happiness. Dre was literally a giant kid in that candy store, especially when he saw the giant chocolate covered marshmallows. His eyes lit up and his sticky big fingers were all over it. lol. My favorites were the chocolate covered pretzels and the mint truffles. Grandma loved the turtles. They were all so heavenly.

Such a beautiful display.

Grandma buying chocolates.

Valentine's Day chocolates ready to order.

Assortment of colourful candies.
Lego's as candy. MMmmm...
Dre and Grandma in front of the store.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Exotic Foods: Nutella Snack and Drink

I am a huge sucker for unique exotic foods that are difficult to find in the United States. Today's Exotic Food comes from Italy, Nutella Snack and Drink. It's similar to Yan Yan, a snack prevalent in Asian countries.

From what I've read, the drink is similar to Lipton's Iced Tea, and the sticks are similar to Yan Yan's, and the chocolate dip is the Nutella spread. Unfortunately, this goodness can only be found (in the USA) in a NY store called Buon Italia - but the online store shows that it's Out of Stock... @#$%@#$t$#@^&*. I was about to purchase a few dozen a couple for Valentine's Day's Italian Theme. I'm going to call the store tomorrow to inquire for the next shipment.

If anyone else finds these awesome packaged breakfast, please, please, please, please, please, let me know. It will be very much appreciated. :-)

*UPDATE (01.10.11)
Nutella Snack and Drink will be available to purchase online from Buon Italia in about 3 weeks. I called this morning and a lady with a thick Italian accent asked me to call back and order in 3 weeks. I can hardly wait!!!

*UPDATE (06.30.11)
Every time I call the store, they say to call back in 3 weeks. I finally checked the website and it is available, however shipping is $20.00 so I passed the opportunity. Too bad.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Style-For-Style Saturday

Nicole Richie graced the cover of this month's Lucky Magazine. I received my copy in the mail at lunch today but haven't yet browsed through the pages. Its been one of those days. But nonetheless, she has come a long way since her, Simple Life days and this is the third outfit of hers that has caught my eye (even though she didn't put it together).

Nicole has a boho, rock star, glam, classic style to her that adds on to my ever expanding fashion repertoire. It's always fun to see what she is going to wear because it's never dull - it's always fun, edgy and interesting.

Her look in the cover screams spring season! And spring season I can not wait for.

Nicole's look:

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution 2011

It's that time of year to make New Year's Resolutions once more! Looking back to 2010's resolution is a huge blur, but what's awesome is that I didn't do anything too wicked, so to speak, this past year. There were hush-hush mischievous times of cheap thrill foolishness (loved it) but none of which were severe enough to ruin anything.

But I love the start of anything new because it's like a fresh start and it gives a sense of hope and happiness. This year is going to be great, I can feel it.

Here's something from the book, 2,000 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up. It's cute and it made me smile.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Peek-a-boo, I see you!!!
Happy 2011, from Jean-the-Cat.
We had a quiet New Year's Eve, toasting our glass filled Chardonnay to celebrate the start of another wonderful year of marriage. The last day of 2010 was bitter sweet with Karen's funeral. As soon as the funeral started, I looked at the program and immediately saw my placement - after the family share their memories... Urgh! The last one to share was her daughter, Kelly, and it was definitely a tearjerker. So nonetheless, I followed that with tear filled eyes singing it right behind her open casket. It was one of the hardest things I had to do this year... very emotional but I'm glad it's over and I'm glad she's resting in peace.

On top of the funeral, our washing machine decided to conk out. There was water all over the laundry room floor and didn't completely drain out of the washer either. It was a horrible, horrible mess. After the funeral, we went to Sears to purchase a new one. So glad they had a display model on sale. It's a side load washer, so no more problems with balancing.

My Handsome Husband : New Year 2011.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Style-for-Style Saturday - Kate Middleton

Black Net Saucer Hat With Fathers $37.11 Coffee Date Clutch $24.99 Suede Pumps $45.00
Closet Blue Gather Front Dress $38.98 Little Black Blazer $42.99 Rhinestone Bangle Bracelet $6.80
Inspired Sapphire Ring $39.95 Large Teardrop Pendent $5.80
Kate Middleton is the Princess Diana of our generation. I LOVE the royals and their sophisticated sense of fashion. I'm sure that Princess to be Kate has a stylist for royal public relations, and whoever it is is doing a brilliant job. I will definitely be monitoring Kate's style.

In all other news, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!